Im On Radio

Im On Radio Mission is to promote all types of recording artist, songwriters, such as Hip Hop, country/pop, R&B, Gospel, Jazz, etc. We Strive to produce songs that are commercially viable without losing the identity of the individual artist. The Focus is to launch artist and bands from obscurity into the timeline by creating Radio ready master recording of the finest Protools and awsthetic quality while training hem to deliever peak performances of unquestionable conviction, all

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About Us

Mission is to promote all types of recording artist, songwriters, such as Hip Hop, country/pop, R&B, Gospel, Jazz, etc. We Strive to produce songs that are commercially viable without losing the identity of the individual artist. The Focus is to launch artist and bands from obscurity into the timeline by creating Radio ready master recording of the finest Protools and awsthetic quality while training hem to deliever peak performances of unquestionable conviction, all

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